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sound healing

IXCACAO: Flower full Moon & Cacao Ceremony

IXCACAO: Flower full Moon & Cacao Ceremony

Pranama Töölö (map)

IXCACAO: Flower Full Moon & Cacao Ceremony & Sound Bath, May 25th, Pranama Töölö

Journey with the spirit of Cacaocita and resonance of sacred sounds


Throughout eons of time, peoples across the world have worshipped the moon and gathered to celebrate it.  Each phase of the moon’s cycle has a unique visual characteristic and spiritual meaning. Full moons represent completion, fulfilment and fruition, whereas new moons represent initiation and new beginnings. This Flower Full Moon in May signifies a time of blossoming, renewal, and the beauty of nature in full bloom.

Traditionally the full moon and the new moon are considered to be the most potent phases to align with the moon. This specific Full Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius. This brings forth an expansive and adventurous energy. Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, encourages exploration, optimism, and a quest for higher understanding. This lunar phase amplifies a sense of freedom, a desire for truth, and a willingness to embrace new experiences.


Participants are invited to bring flowers for the Altar Flower Mandala, enhancing the ceremonial space with the vibrant energy of nature. This is not mandatory.


Cacao originates from the Mayas and Aztecs in Central and South America and has been used for thousands of years to heal and connect with the divine. She has been used as a medicine for both physical and spiritual healing and is becoming popular in yoga communities worldwide because of her powerful ability to assist us in gently opening up our hearts and awakening us to our true nature. La Cacaocita helps us in releasing what no longer serves us and clarify our desires, as well as in connecting with ourselves. Ceremonial cacao comes from a rare bean that makes up less than 5% of the world’s cacao production – the criollo bean.

Disclaimer: I learned about Cacao during my years living in Nayarit, Mexico (2012-2018) and want to share the magical experience of ceremonial cacao due to its heart opening properties. I believe we can all heal and learn from this plant, however it’s important to understand the history and legacy of cacao ceremonies as Western people. Cacao ceremonies originally served as religious rituals for the ancient Native Mesoamerican cultures and I will talk about the history a little bit in the beginning of the event. I am honoured to be working with this ancient plant medicine and respect its legacy and my wish is to serve you by opening a space for deeper connection, heart expansion and wisdom from within with aid of this sacred plant.


The knowledge that sound affects the health and state of the mind and body is not new. Sound has been utilized in many cultures for thousands of years as a healing tool. A Sound bath is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nourish, rejuvenate and balance your mind, body and spirit.


IxCacao, the Mayan goddess, embodies the moon's mystique, fertility's grace, and healing's touch. Her presence enriches life's cycles, nurturing growth and guiding healers. Invoked with deep respect, she bestows her magic upon prayers, weaving harmony between earth and cosmos. As the guardian of abundance and chocolate's alchemy, she imparts transformation's essence, illuminating the path to healing and creation.


The event will start with the drinking of the cacao within a ceremonial space for us to land physically, energetically and mentally. Cacao increases blood flow to the heart and is a beautiful and gentle, heart healing medicine that can help bring clarity where we are feeling unclear, stuck or out of balance. We will then allow the medicine to further travel into our heart space through a few heart opening poses, and lastly we will drop into our sound healing journey for receiving. Finally there’s a chance to pick an intuitive message from the various oracle decks.

📅 Time: May 25th, 16.00-18.00
📍Space: Pranama Töölö, Sandelsinkatu 8
✨Investment: 49€

💫 Intention setting in a sacred setting and safe environment
💫 Ceremonial dosage of ceremonial A grade cacao
💫 Guided meditation & visualization practice
💫 Gentle, somatic & restorative yoga
💫 Intuitive oracle card pulling
💫 Guided sound journey

🤎Avoid caffeine, dairy and big meals on the day.
🤎If possible, avoid alcohol the day before.
🤎Stop eating at least 2 hours prior to ceremony, if possible.
🤎 Hydrate well.

Book your spot below

*Pre-registration is required, as spots are limited and these events usually have a waitlist. Payment will be requested prior to event to secure booking. Please respect that uncanceled spots (less than 72hours before) will be invoiced*

The Shadow Within - deep dive & training

The Shadow Within - deep dive & training

Sagayoga (map)

The Shadow Within vol. 2 DEEP DIVE - shadow work immersion & training, manifestation, somatic movement, yoga

After the heartfelt response to our February event, we invite you to join us for an extended and profound experience in our upcoming workshop, "The Shadow Within: Deep Dive." This immersive training, spanning eight hours, is crafted to take you on an introspective journey that goes beyond the surface, providing an opportunity for profound personal growth.

You are not the shadow, nor are you the light, but the container of both.

Workshop Highlights:

  • 🌑 Why Dive Deeper?

    "The Shadow Within: Deep Dive" is designed for those who seek a more intense exploration of the self. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to face yourself on a deeper journey, delving into the unexplored corners of your psyche for profound healing and wholeness. We will face the shadows, name them and transform them.

    🌟 What to Expect:

    Extended Shadow Work: Venture into the depths of your inner self with our extensive shadow work segment. This profound process involves embracing and integrating the concealed aspects of your psyche, fostering healing and completeness.

    Somatic Yoga: Engage in a somatic yoga & movement, designed to align you with your body's innate wisdom. Through mindful movement, breathwork, and awareness, you'll uncover deeper insights into your physical and emotional narratives.

  • Shadow Workbook Manual: A comprehensive guide to assist your journey into shadow work, offering tools and insights for deep personal exploration.

    Manifestation Techniques: Understand what manifestation is and how to crystallize your desires with focused intent and purpose.

    Candlelight Meditation: Submerge in the tranquility of a candlelit meditation, creating a space for inner connection and intuitive wisdom. This peaceful practice will offer moments of reflection and profound insight.

  • Training Immersion Schedule:

    13.00-14.30: Opening Circle & Practice Session

    14.30-16.00: Techniques for Holding Space & Experiential Labs

    16.00-17.00:  FOOD BREAK

    17.00-18.00: Enlightening Lecture

    18.00-19.30: Secondary Practice Session

    19.30-20.00: Sharing Circle & Closing Rituals

    *We hold the right to change the schedule if needed

    The Shadow Within: A Deer Dive is open to individuals of all levels, whether you're new to self-exploration or have prior experience with shadow work. All you need is an open heart and a willingness to courageously explore the uncharted territories of your inner world.

    💖 Special Emphasis on Space Holding:

    This workshop is especially valuable for yoga teachers, healers, and other lightworkers, offering profound insights and tools for effective space holding. Whether you guide others in their journey or simply hold space for transformation, this training will deepen your understanding and enhance your ability to support others on their path.


Julia Hackzell and Eva Estlander are experienced guides in the realms of self-discovery, yoga, and meditation. Their combined expertise and compassionate guidance will support you on this transformative journey into the depths of your being.

Invest in Your Journey:

This training immersion represents a significant investment in your journey of self-improvement and wellness. By embracing and integrating your shadow, you open doors to deeper self-acceptance, empowerment, and authentic existence.

📅 WHEN: June 15th, 13.00-20.00

🪬 WHAT: shadow work, manifestation, somatic yoga, kundalini practice, Shadow Work Manual
📍WHERE: Sagayoga, Sinebrychoffinkatu 11, 00120 Helsinki
✨Investment: EARLY BIRD 108€ if booked before March 23rd, / Standard 129€ (post 30.3.2024) Essentials: Bring a Pen & Water Bottle, Snacks/ Early dinner

Discover the hidden facets of yourself, unlock your potential, and step into a brighter, more authentic future.

Book your spot below

*Your spot is reserved by purchasing a ticket, this purchase is non-refundable once paid. If you are unable to attend, you can give your ticket to a friend. 

About the facilitators


Eva is a seasoned guide with over a decade of experience in leading yoga retreats and mentoring new yoga teachers. Her expertise extends beyond yoga, encompassing spirituality and holistic healing practices like meditation, cacao ceremonies, sound healing, and moon circles. She offers ancient wisdom and tools to empower individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and inner alignment. Eva's compassionate approach and commitment to inner healing create a safe and transformative space for those she guides.



Julia is a trauma-informed coach, embodiment, somatics, and spiritual guide, and an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher based in Helsinki, Finland. Julia is an endlessly curious human, a forever devoted student, and a person who cares deeply for people, animals, and Mother Earth. She is devoted to truth and to helping others realize their innate magic. Her classes and offerings are deeply impacted by somatics, the elements, sound, and creative flow.
